I have been interested in photography since my early 20's but as with many other people, my career and other events in my life meant that photography always seemed to be a second priority. Over the years, photography moved from film to digital so, when I picked up a camera again in 2009 things had moved on quite a bit. I have enjoyed developing my photography and editing skills ever since and I am constantly striving to take and make better and better images.
During the early stages of trying to understand the complexities of digital photography I came to the conclusion that there were very few opportunities to learn the basic practical skills. Camera Clubs do occasionally look at different aspects of photography such as using flash or macro photography but, other than that, it was a case of hours of on line research, booking onto an expensive workshop or a long course to find out the answers to my questions . Because of this I decided to put together a number of short workshops designed specifically for those who are relatively new to digital photography and wanted to learn about basic camera/photography skills or those that have a basic understanding and are looking to improve their knowledge to a level where they can then start to explore their own ideas.
NOTE: Now that Lockdown restrictions are lifted, I am looking forward to arranging dates for workshops, in the meantime, please take a look at my images using the galleries tab and if you like what you see, please contact me about arranging a group or one to one workshop.